The purpose of the project is to strengthen institutional capacities for results-based monitoring and evaluation of poverty reduction strategies (PRS) and has the following three outputs:
- Public spending and allocations in pro-poor sectors reviewed and analysed through a gender lens to better understand the contribution and needs of men and women

- Quality, collection, analysis and management of PRSP data improved at national and province levels

- National engagement in PRSP monitoring mobilized through participatory processes

Dissemination workshop of Annual Progress Report FY 2008/09 till 2010/11 held on 3rd May, 2012
An in-house training session was held for the entire team of SPRSMP on "Performance Based Budgeting" on 29th March 2012. The two hour training was given by Mr.Nohman Ishtiaq, MTBF Consultant.
Brainstorming Workshop
PSIA - Workers Welfare Fund (Labor and Manpower Sector) and GAPA/GABA - Agriculture Sector held on Dec 15, 2011
(Minutes) (List of Participants)
Minutes of Dissemination Workshop of Time Use Survey Research Studies held on Oct 11, 2011
Sixth Project Steering Committee Meeting held on February 8th, 2011.
(Minutes) (List of Participants)