GRB Document
Gender responsive budgeting (GRB) is an approach to
mainstream the gender dimension into all stages of the
budget cycle. In general, gender responsive budgeting
aims at analyzing the differential impacts of a state's
national and local expenditure as well as revenue policy
on women and girls, and men and boys, respectively.
The concept of GRB is now fairly well recognized and
is being adopted in many developed and developing countries.
In Pakistan, gender responsive budgeting was proposed
for the first time in 2001 by the Ministry of Women
Development in a paper on 'Gender and Poverty' submitted
for the Poverty Reduction Growth Facility. The Government's
Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) advocates use
of GRB in analyzing the federal, provincial and district
government budgets to determine the extent to which
resources are allocated to address gender inequality
and impact of budgetary expenditures on different gender
groups. The Government's Gender Reform Action Plan (GRAP)
has also made provisions for gender budget analysis.
With this backdrop, the Ministry of Finance, Government
of Pakistan with technical and financial support of
UNDP and its cost sharing donors namely, Swiss Agency
for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and Royal Norwegian
Embassy, initiated a two and half year's pilot project
'Gender Responsive Budgeting Initiative' (GRBI), beginning
Aims and Objectives
The project aims to:
a. Develop skills to prepare, review and analyze budgets
using the gender lens;
b. Promote policy and resource allocation with a gender
perspective; and
c. Build advocacy skills of GOP and civil society organizations
for gender budgeting.
The project is focusing its analysis on the sectors
of education, health and population welfare. The analysis
is being carried out at the federal, provincial (Punjab)
and district (Gujrat and Rajanpur) levels.
Road Map
To achieve the above objectives, activities are
envisaged in the following five stages:
1. Awareness raising and consensus-building
As gender responsive budgeting is a relatively new
concept in Pakistan, a concerted awareness raising and
consensus building is being undertaken. Resource material
is being developed and disseminated amongst the stakeholders
namely, federal, provincial and district governments,
researchers, civil society organizations and parliamentarians.
2. Training in gender budgeting for the stakeholders
In order to build the capacities of stakeholders
to analyze the budget from a gender lens, various activities
are planned and being undertaken. These activities include
development of comprehensive training material as well
as various trainings targeting specific groups.
3. Gender analysis of the priority sectors
Along with development of a research agenda for
gender analysis in selected social sectors of health,
education and population welfare, a number of gender
responsive budgeting tools are being employed to carry
out research and analysis which range from desk studies
to field based surveys.
4. Review of the research
The results and outputs of various research activities
are reviewed by the stakeholders including subject specialists
to identify research gaps and to help in improving the
draft research reports.
5. Advocacy
Various advocacies activities are planned which
include meetings with stakeholders at all levels, media
discussions, public dialogues, development of website
and articles in the print media aimed at advocating
for gender equity in budgets.
Key tools of gender responsive budgeting include:
a. Gender-aware policy appraisal
b. Gender-aware benefit incidence analysis
c. Gender-aware beneficiary assessment
d. Gender-aware public expenditure tracking
e. Gender-disaggregated analysis of impact of budget
on time use
f. Gender-aware revenue incidence analysis
g. Gender budget statement
The following three interrelated outputs are foreseen:
1. Government spending addresses the needs of women
and men equitably and attends especially to the needs
of the poor;
2. Budget reviewed through a gender lens, in order to
analyze if budget allocations are in line with women´s
and men´s different priorities and needs; and
3. Civil society and government partnership promotes
transparency in the determination of government priorities
and in public spending
Implementation Arrangements
The project is being implemented by the Ministry
of Finance, Government of Pakistan and Finance Department,
Government of Punjab. For this purpose a federal Project
Management unit (PMU) has been established in the Ministry
of Finance while the provincial PMU is housed in the
Finance Department, Government of Punjab. Both the PMUs
are headed by full time serving officials of the Ministry
of Finance and Finance Department, Government of Punjab
respectively. The PMUs work in close collaboration with
'Poverty Reduction and Gender Unit' of UNDP Pakistan.
A Project Steering Committee (PSC) under the chairmanship
of Finance Secretary, Government of Pakistan has been
notified for ensuring overall guidance and support to
the project.